Coding Potential Calculator distinguish protein-coding from non-coding RNAs based on the sequence features of the input transcripts. Our preliminary performance assessment suggests the CPC can reliably discriminate the coding and non-coding transcripts in ~98% accuracy. We provide an online version of CPC here.
CPC online input page: Accept fasta format sequences as input. Users can upload their sequences file from local disk or just paste the sequence to the textarea of the input page. For more information about fasta format, refer to wikipeida fasta format description or ncbi fasta format description.
Example data: sequences in FASTA format .
Besides the stand FASTA format data, CPC also supports one single sequence without ID line. If user inputs an sequence in the format like THIS, CPC will assign an ID to the sequence automatically. CPC online calculator also supports mutiple sequences seperated by ">\n" . If user inputs sequences in the format like THIS, CPC will assign an ID for each sequence automatically.
and each line stands for the result of an input sequence. AF282387 528 coding 3.32462 Tsix_mus 4300 noncoding -1.30047 Evf1_Rat 2704 noncoding -0.991937 ENST00000361290 7834 coding 17.7115The first column is input sequence ID; the second column is input sequence length; the third column is coding status and the four column is the coding potential score (the "distance" to the SVM classification hyper-plane in the features space).